Liquid Rhythm Inc is…

Liquid Rhythm Inc… “Our dancing makes you wet…!”
When you think of dancing Salsa, the first thing that may come to mind is HOT and SEXY! You may not think of liquid unless you need some water to cool you off! That’s why LRI is here to change and challenge your current mindset of Salsa.
LRI originally began as a performance-based salsa dance company out of New Orleans with 6 core members consisting of local dancers with various dance backgrounds such as Hip-Hop, House, Modern, Jazz, Contemporary, Folkloric, and Ballet to name a few. LRI wanted to set itself apart from other Salsa dance companies by infusing movements each member already knew from previous dance forms into the technical frameworks of the many styles of Salsa they were currently studying. Most importantly, have FUN while doing so! LRI doesn’t believe that any one style of Salsa or dance is better than the next. They all possess unique qualities that give them such flare and appeal.
LRI founder, Derik Dollis, dance movement roots began in hip-hop and martial arts. He was introduced to ‘casino-style’ years later. That led to him wanting to learn, study and explore more forms of salsa such as on1 LA Style and on2 NY Mambo. He saw that the same rhythmic movements and timing he used to do in these various forms of movement could be expressed in 1 saLsa style. So LRI was formed to explore and develop this alternative styling to traditional Salsa movements. Fluidity of motion through rhythmic timing best describes LRI’s mindset.
LRI maintains its individuality by NOT focusing on tricks and maneuvers in their classes and privates like most instructors tend to do. Instead, LRI engages their students with techniques to help them develop their own style and flare, as well as focus on the enchanting rhythms within the music which draws out that true salsero/salsera within; that dancer who dances from an inner feeling and not just an outer image. “Understand the timing and overstand the dance” as Derik would preach to his students. Followed with “…Every turn sequence does not go with every song…! It may look hot, but are you dancing and feeling or repeating a salsa move?” What LRI has developed, is a simple and easy way of learning and building from a basic repertoire of salsa steps. Students learn how to explore their creative side. If you have years of experience in other dance styles, what do you do with it when learning or dancing Salsa? Do you use it or toss it aside? LRI would rather see you USE it! There are far too many styles of Salsa and dance in general to limit oneself to just “1.” Remember… Salsa is not just tomato sauce! If you are ready to “step outside the box” and develop your own sense of style, LRI is here to help!
Liquid Rhythm is not just a movement…it’s a mindset!